Christchurch: A City in Reinvention

Such a contrast – very old with earthquake retrofitted architecture. A city devastated by the 2011 earthquake rebuilding itself, determined to reinvent itself given the opportunity to rethink and recreate its City Center.

Vibrant public art dots sections of the city against construction cranes and rerouted pedestrian paths along the Avon River. Most touching – Solidarity Lamps – unique lamp posts sent from cities and countries around the world as a gesture of hope post earthquake. Seattle. Boston. Mexico City. Austria. Poland. China. They line the walkway along Hagley Park that I now view from our hotel.

Very walkable, Central City can be done easily in a day by jump on/off double-decker tour bus or take a map and point a direction by foot. On a grid, if you get lost or disoriented there’s always a friendly Kiwi to ask or a nice city guide.