Lingering Fall

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Morning air turning crisp, I see my breath for the first time. Clipping dog leash we’re off on our walkie adventure, Bezoar leading the way, sniffing out our route with a nose sensing thousands of smells beyond mine.

Passing dogwood, oak and birch trees, all dialing back energy, leaves changing – red, orange, a golden yellow. Drying out, hanging on for as long as they can before letting go, floating down to join others on the sidewalk.

It’s drier than normal this year, kicking bunches recalls memories of growing up raking big piles of dry leaves and jumping in. The youth inside my older being smiles.

Squirrels bustling, gathering, scatterhoarding walnuts. Every morning, new holes under our maple tree, nuts to take the tiny beings through winter. This morning, one placed in the heel of a front porch sneaker as I ready for our walk. Crows smartly dropping walnuts from electrical wires, splitting, bouncing off pavement as they crack into many pieces.

Just like the bustling squirrels, we scurry prepping for winter, cleaning and treating the swimming pool for the last time of the season, unfolding and pulling winter cover tight for a seven-month sleep.

Raking leaves and dead vegetation, mulching and readying the yard. Unhooking hoses, covering faucets. Last mow of season. Rain will take over from here.

Less natural light, time falls back, shorter days. More time inside. Sun is above clouds, I know it.

Football season’s in full swing. Watching these games were my time with my new stepdad, him teaching me it’s all about a series of first downs to get to the end zone. Just having games on still a feeling of family and our bonding time.

Slowing down. Wish we could hibernate for winter too.

Catching up on recorded shows, movies that have come and gone from theatres, projects that sat dormant all summer.

Fireplace warms the room. Snuggling on couch. Cat curled up on her favorite perch, dog cramming his long body into a small chair he’s claimed since a pup.

I want time to stand still – everything is perfect at this moment.

2 thoughts on “Lingering Fall”

    1. Hi Mary Sue! Glad you found my blog! Miss seeing your smiling face every day – keep on reading, have many more adventures coming up…

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