Spring – on the Verge

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It seems just as we’re oh so done with winter in Portland the signs of change emerge, almost without notice.

White and yellow daffodils lead the charge, seeming to burst through the soil and open before it’s really time, giving us hope for spring. Tulips take note, soon opening bright pinks, reds, orange, white and mixed-colored petals. Vibrant colors start competing with the bare trees, green grass soaked by winter and early spring rains.

Smiles, hope return from winter’s hunkering down.

Before you know it, tiny buds peek out the end of dogwood branches. Red, white magnolia flowers yearn to see sunlight, growing quickly, ready to unfurl to magnificence. White, pink pom-pom-like puffy cherry blossoms crowd the ends of branches, weighing down entire limbs.

Spring is really happening.

Walking under tall oak trees, collection of birds singing, conversing in the treetops. Daylight comes sooner, sunrise warming dawn’s coolness.

First mow of the season. Trees soon covered with green leaves. Berries are coming next.

We’ve made it past another Portland winter.