Anticipation of Snow Day

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Temperature dropping, into range. Weather forecasts come to forefront. De-icing trucks already on routes overnight.

White sky, first small flakes barely noticeable until crossing dark backgrounds of rooftops, houses and buildings.

Peaceful, falling from the sky, then sideways with the breeze. Original creations – water molecules creating jagged edges of fluffy imperfection. All is quiet.

Light Dusting. Pavement still visible, if just for moments. Snowflakes joining forces, building in size. Snowfall picking up speed. Wonder, hope it will stick.

Snow zone temperature holding. Sand, salt trucks out keeping travel paths open, safe.

Millions of flakes accumulating to fluffy, untouched white velvet covering the ground, walkways and sidewalks. Weighing down Japanese Maple and pine tree branches, sticking to bamboo leaves and layering on parked cars.

Spiritual, touching, magical. Nature encouraging us to slow down, to notice. To not work so hard. To play.

Day’s meetings cancelled or rescheduled. Schools out. Adaptation to our white precipitation challenging transportation, plans, safety. Getting home to family, warmth of fireplace.

Montana, Northern California’s Lake Tahoe – New England – they just keep on going. Portland slows down, grinds to a halt. We have barely half the heavy snow equipment of those location – if that. The rare snow, even the forecasted 3-7 inches will keep schools closed, people home, companies shut down, public transportation challenged.

Nature getting its way. Put on soothing music and write. Appreciate just being in the moment and part of today’s nature.

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